Introverts In A World That Can T Stop Talking By Susan Cain

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At first, I did not know what an extrovert or an introvert was. Therefore, when I understood what each word meant then, I knew I was somewhere in between. Sometimes I’m outgoing and sometimes I’m not. Sometimes I take risk and sometimes I do not. As a result, the test identified me as an ambivert, which means I fall in the middle of the introvert-extrovert domain. So, the outcome was not surprising to me. Even though, sometimes I have to wonder about personality test, because do they truly express what kind of personality you have? Step 2 I appreciated after reading chapter 3- Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World that Can’t Stop Talking by Susan Cain; is that we need introverts, ambiverts, and extroverts in today’s society. When I go to our staff meetings sometimes, I feel I should be less …show more content…

We were the most disorganized group you would want to meet. The group comprise of four members. I’m not sure if all the members were ambiverts or extroverts, because some displayed qualities from introverts and extroverts and some of extroverts. There were times when we wanted to meet outside of class and if it was not on the right day, then certain members would not show up. Each member had topics they wanted to write about, but if their topic of choice was not the winner then the member would shut down. Each member always had something to say as to why we should do it one way over another. In all honesty I’m not sure how to label that group. I know you need a mixture of both to have a healthy working relationship, but to what degree? Even when it came down to the final paper, we selected to write our own ten page paper, we couldn’t even do that together as a group. The teacher was in disbelief. I trust if we would have took time to know each other and the qualities each member have, then we could have handle or decision making better. In this case we needed more introverts and less extraversion