Invasive Species Essay

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An introduced species is a non-indigenous organism that is living outside of its native habitat. These animals have either been deliberately or accidentally transported to a new location by human activity. Introduced species that have negative effects on local ecosystems are also known as invasive species. Not all introduced species have a negative effect, some are beneficial and act as viable alternatives to pesticides. In some cases the potential for being advantageous or disadvantageous in the long run remains unknown. The International Union for Conservation of Nature, or ICUN, states that “the impacts of invasive species are immense, insidious and usually irreversible. They may be as damaging to native species and ecosystems on a global …show more content…

An intentional introduction is when humans have directly introduced a species into a new ecosystem for economic or ecological gain. Species that have escaped from captive or cultivated populaces and successfully established independent populations are also labeled as intentional. Common examples of intentional introductions are the domesticated animals, such as cows, pigs and sheep. Unintentional introductions occur when a species is accidentally transported to a new area by human means. Probably the most common example of an unintentional introduction is the rat, spread throughout most of the world by …show more content…

“For example, in a case where a native species that played a significant role in an ecosystem has become extinct, an introduced species can be a crucial part of conservation efforts.” (Australian museum, Introduced Species: Friend or foe? 2012). “According to Schlaepfer’s group, biologists are often biased against invasive species, and decline to notice or report instances of beneficial invasions.” (Wired, Sometimes Invasive Species are Good, 2011.). In California native butterflies feed on non-native plants, and in Puerto Rico introduced trees help restore depleted pastures to a condition fit for native vegetation. Even the infamous zebra mussel helps filter toxins from lakes and

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