Investors: Foundation Of The Industrial Revolution

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Many investors start with $1000 or more to play with. This is not enough to establish a good portfolio. And, it will not leave them devastated if they lose it. Welcome to the fascinating world of investing, you are now a part of an exclusive club. Investors were the foundation of the Industrial Revolution. They were the driving force that fueled the growth of the North American Markets. Investors fuel the future's discoveries and growth. However, this isn't something a person can jump into blind and make a killing. Investing is like playing chess. It takes a few hours to learn the moves, the basics, and the theory. A few weeks later it is possible to make some educated moves and enlightened guesses. But, it takes years to become a true master. …show more content…

The second skill is patience. An investor who can relax while a stock is spiraling out of control, bottoms out, and wait four years until it climbs to new heights will make more than the investor who buys and sells yearly, or as some new investors do, monthly. Patience is hard to learn. Many investors 'play' the stock market. It is a game to them. When all their money is invested and all their pieces are in place they must sit back. After a few months they become nervous or edgy. They want to start playing again. Slowly they ignore the guru's advice and turn their backs on the stock investing pundits. One by one they start to sell and go looking for the excitement felt when they first started to invest. There is room in the stock market for the 'active investor.' They try to outsmart the other players on Wall Street. They constantly surf the markets for outstanding stocks that are ignored by other investors. Any Saturday afternoon finds them researching stocks and studying about investing. These investors will

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