The Iran–contra affair was a scandal that rocked the white house in the 1980’s. President Reagan was attempting to free hostages that were being held by a terrorist group. But due to the secrecy and ties the rebels had with the money that was sent to Nicaragua the President could never recover from the story that broke. The Reagan Doctrine was a strategy orchestrated and implemented by the United States under the Reagan Administration to overwhelm the global influence of the Soviet Union during the final years of the Cold War. The Iran Contra Affair began as an internal US confrontation between Ronald Reagan and the Democratic Congress. In 1984, the Boland Amendment passed which it stated that the CIA & Department of Defense could not militaristic …show more content…
But only 12 million ended up in the proper hands. Washington than began to ask questions. The truth slowly emerged. The money that was gained from selling the arms to Iran was to support American contras in Nicaragua who were fighting the Sandinistas. President Reagan’s goal was to help the contras against a power that he deemed as a Communist threat. The funding and the process used to get it were a clear defiance of the Boland Amendment. The Reagan administration had gotten around the laws of the amendment by using the National Security Council, whose actions were not restricted by the terms of the …show more content…
A Lebanese magazine published a series of articles that exposed the weapons for hostage deals. Then in a turn of events in November 1987, the US Congress issued a report on the affair that stated the president was ultimately responsible for what was going on. The Attorney General was assigned to verify the report and also an independent special prosecutor was also assigned to investigate the deals involving the arms sales and the Contra support. President Reagan established a review board and the Tower Commissions’ report established that the president had been inefficient in controlling the National Security Council. This is the agency that actually made the illegal deals, and they had known about the arms sales to the Iranians. Although in the hearings they could not prove the president knew about the Contra support, there was a lot of