Iran Hostage Crisis Essay

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Thesis Throughout Iran's history there has been conflict over how the country is run. The United States decided to get involved and support the Shah with the Pahlavi Dynasty keeping him as ruler of Iran until 1979. This changed in 1979 when the Iranian Revolution happened and the Pahlavi Dynasty was replaced with an Islamic Republic under the Ayatollah Rohallah Khomeini which is how the Iran Hostage Crisis began and Iran-U.S. relations started to clash. Even though America had strong relations with Iran's ruler Mohammad Reza Pahlavi (The Shah of Iran) and supported the Pahlavi Dynasty after the Shah was overthrown in the Iranian Revolution, the Shah was brought to America for Cancer treatment and after that, organized strikes, …show more content…

Iran's Intellectuals were amazed by the appeal of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini (a former professor of philosophy) who was exiled in 1964 for speaking out negatively against the Shah. The intellectuals of Iran liked Khomeini so much that they decided to overthrow the Shah with help of the ulama instead of going against the ulama. In 1978 remarks against Khomeini sparked thousands of students of madrass (religious school) along with more Iranian youth that were mostly unemployed to storm the streets. The Shah was dumbfounded by the sudden outrage against him as he believed it was an International Conspiracy against him. Many people were killed by government forces in anti regime protests however, during Khomeini's exile he coordinated this upsurge with France and Iraq demanding the Shah to abdicate. As The Shah was weakened by cancer he was forced to flee Iran with his family to which Iran became an Islamic Republic replacing 2,500 years of a Persian Monarchy. In October 1979, The Shah went to America as Jimmy Carter invited him where he could get medical support, however, this invitation and acceptance is what caused the Iran Hostage Crisis and stirred up relations between America and Iran. The

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