Irony And Symbolism In Kurt Vonnegut's Harrison Bergeron

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This is a short, but powerful excerpt from the short story “Harrison Bergeron”. Not only does it make you wonder why everyone is equal, but makes you wonder how in the world did everyone become equal? The short film, 2081 is based off of its short story “Harrison Bergeron”, yet their stories are quite different from each other. In the short story and the short film, Kurt Vonnegut presents a scary view of human society in the United States in the future, in which the citizens are all uniform. This then leads to their loss of individuality, and therefore to the absolute deformity of humanness. For similarities between them are theme, irony and symbolism while the differences are time setting, techniques of handicapping, and Harrison’s physical …show more content…

He embodies all the traits that everyone in this equal world could or essentially would have if it were not for the enslavement that they are subject to by this overpowering government. The common people in the story have been completely brainwashed and filled with ridiculous ideas that equal and average is better, and competition is a mortal sin that causes all the wrong and bad in society. Symbolism is also utilized in the movie, when at the end of the film, two boys enthusiastically run up the stairs in a home to view a “pirated” recording of the original filming of Harrison when he took over the studio and played banned movies and music, and urged all to take of their headbands. After starting the movie the boys nonchalantly take off their bands to watch the broadcast without mental hindrance. This is symbolic of the freeing of the mind and the throwing off of societies shackles, bound on an individual by the government. Since children are more open minded, receptive to new ideas, and less fearful of change. Just the fact that the children showed the desire to watch the program illustrates hope for the future of society, as children are the future of all …show more content…

They both take place in the not so distant future where the government has manipulated human intelligence to the point that all persons are equal. In a place where the government ultimately has total control over not only everyone’s lives, but their minds as well. The motive behind the governments controlling society, is the idea that an equal society will eliminate hatred, envy, and war. While this does prove true, the numerous side effects, such as loss of identity, lack of originality, and conformity begin to arise. In actuality these governments are creating a society with zombie like creatures, which are presented in mere shells of human