Is America A Christian Nation Essay

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Is America a Christian Nation? America’s dominant religion is Christianity, but America is also a secular nation with many different types of religions. Everyone is an immigrant, nobody is really from America not even the Native Americans originated from here. The colonist came from England to escape religious persecution, some Africans were forced to come to be slaves, along with migration. People are not just coming to America to live here. They are coming for religious rights and religious freedom. When you have so many different types of people migrating from all over the world they are not just bringing their families they are bringing their religion. Just because they moved to a new country does not mean that they are going to stop their religious practices. Especially in a new country where they have the freedom to practice …show more content…

Anglican missionaries were wanting to preach and convert Africans to Christianity. Some slave holders did not want their slaves to understand the message of equality in the Christian religion. Other slave holders wanted their slaves to convert to Christianity. The only problem was the slave holders still wanted to have the power of authority over them. They did not want to be considered brothers and sisters with their slaves. Slaves could not hold their own services. This was for the fear that there might be a revolt against their master. “The Anglican missionaries not only identified themselves with the masters but went out of their way to stress that the Bible taught slaves to be obedient (224).” Although the Anglican missionaries and some slave holders wanted the slaves to convert they still wanted the slaves on separate and unequal terms. Some slaves wanted to know more, but it was illegal for them to be able to read and write. Due to these factors once again the scare of a revolt came into play causing the nation to still be separated and not equal on the terms of