Is Anadarko Petroleum's Revenue Returns Affect The Economy Of America?

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The decline in the revenue returns for the Anadarko Petroleum Corporation has a major impact on the economy of America. The major issues affecting the company include the decline in the oil prices and the problem of divestitures. The decline in the revenue returns has a major blow to the economy of the American people, as well as the companies that depend on oil products for their businesses to take place. The decline in the oil prices, especially from the oil producing states, which include the Middle East states like Arabia was a major blow to the companies which sell oil. The decline caused companies to close down their production processes, close down various plants as well as lay off a majority of their workers. Many state economies were destroyed, and a majority of the states started to come up with strategies which would restore the economic situation, and recreate the state of living for a majority of the people. …show more content…

However, due to the various factors which have led to the loss of huge amounts of money, there are various strategies which can be adopted to rectify, solve and even create a sustainable plan for the company to thrive and stand. The adoption of the strategies and the plans would recreate the internal organization of Anadarko Petroleum Corporation, rectify and even change some of its marketing strategies, and eventually install a plan which would make the situation have a standing solution. Solving the problem is of greatimportance to many companies which operate within the American state, and the ones which majorly depend on oil products in their production process. The other beneficiaries of the solution would be the USA and the general public, which would benefit from the economic

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