Big game hunting has always been a topic of arguments, some believe it’s not ethical and inhumane but others believe it’s ethical and also considered a sport. The main pros of hunting include but are not limited to, maintaining a healthy wildlife population, providing food for families and income for the Fish Wildlife and Parks as well as exercise and an activity for many American families to do and enjoy together. Major cons of hunting include but are not limited to, trophy hunters or poachers, hunting being depicted as an unsafe and dangerous endeavor as well as the threat of possible animal extinction. Some say hunting creates inhumane animal suffering in addition to all the other cons I mentioned. It is important to remember that when …show more content…
Based on the research and studies done by the FWP, wildlife populations do not seem to be in danger. In 2014 there was an estimated 208 thousand whitetail deer in Montana and 297 thousand mule deer, 505 thousand total (Montana Fish Wildlife and Parks, 2015). The estimated number of annual Montana hunters is about 104 thousand (U.S. Fish Wildlife and Parks Service, 2013). In most areas in Montana you can only harvest two deer per hunter per year if you buy both a general and a doe tag. This being said if every hunter in Montana harvests two deer, that comes out to about 208 thousand total, thus leaving around 297 thousand more deer populating Montana. This does not account for the other surrounding areas with a denser deer population or any wounded animals during the season as well as animals being subject to predation. That being said, not every hunter will harvest their two deer nor will they buy two deer tags making this statement even more valid. Trophy hunters that waste meat and poachers are disgraces to the hunting sport and spirit. Killing an animal with big antlers or that is seen as a “trophy” is a good thing but wasting the animal is not, eat the meat or at least donate it to someone who’ll use it. Poachers cheat the system, they hunt without tags or on land that they shouldn’t legally be on. Often they will also resort to killing animals that you aren’t legally able to hunt. A “trophy” would be much more meaningful if it’s put to good use. Ellen Degeneres (2010) said, “I ask people why they have deer heads on their walls. They always say because it’s such a beautiful animal. There you go. I think my mother is attractive, but I have photographs of