Is Culinary Taste Socially Constructed Or Individually?

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Is Culinary Taste Socially Constructed or Individually?
Human Being’s biological (physiological) make-up demands that we eat to sustain life, but matters including what we eat, how it is prepared, how it is served, how and with whom it is eaten are historically and culturally variable (UNICEF, 2006). Food has been discussed throughout the human history as a vital ingredient of human life. Food has a great impact on one’s life in fact The Taittreya Upanishad, an ancient sanatan dharm text, explains the five sheaths or koshas that make up the self(living organism) — the food body, the energy body, the mind body, the intuitive body, and the bliss body. What we take in with our senses and what makes us flesh and blood can, with right observance …show more content…

In India, even today after more than a thousand years of slavery under Mughals and European colonists (British, Portuguese, French and Dutch) people still follow these rules and amazingly 500 million still are vegetarians.(Figures as reported by vegetarian society of New Zealand, 2014; 2006 Hindu-CNN-IBN State of the Nation Survey, 31% Indians are pure vegetarians). The more we read about Indian food culture the more we realize how much food affects one’s life and how it in turns affects a society. Munjal & Sharma carried out a survey in Chandi Chowk region of Delhi, famous for its eatries, and found that most of them have been there for generations and still have high demand of their food …show more content…

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