Is Dogberry A Hero Essay

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Who is the Hero in Much Ado About Nothing?

Most books and stories contain a clearly defined hero, such as Harry Potter in the Harry Potter series, but William Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing does not have one. The definition of a hero is, “a person who is admired or idealized for courage, outstanding achievements, or noble qualities.” This means that heroes are only heroes when other people think of them that way. Heroes a In Much Ado About Nothing, there is a hero, but nobody notices him. Dogberry is the hero, even though he himself doesn’t realize it. He is stupid, but he makes a mistake that saves the day. Dogberry doesn’t seem like an ordinary hero because he does not show any expected heroic qualities such as cleverness and selflessness. From his part in the play, he is not smart at all. On page 62, he says, “Comparisons are odorous. ‘Palabras’, neighbour Verges.” This goes to show that he doesn’t know anything. In trying to sound clever and wise, he uses the wrong word and sounds stupid. There is also no place in the play that shows him caring for another person. This argument can be countered by the fact that he simply has different traits. He shows loyalty to his job, and courage to bring the criminals before Leonato. With these traits, he can be seen as the hero in Much Ado About Nothing. …show more content…

Throughout the play he seems like an unnecessary character, and he makes useless comments. Yet, in the end, he is the one that brings Borachio and Conrad before Leonoto. He is the one that delivers the truth, even if he does not know what it will do. He is the one that makes Claudio realize he has falsely accused his love. He is the one, that stops Bendick from tearing Claudio apart. He is the hero in a butterfly effect way, because all he does is deliver the truth about Hero’s accusation. His acts may not seem heroic, but he does his job and in the end it saves the day, making him the