Over the years we have all become so dependent on the internet. We do not even bother asking each other questions anymore, we just go straight to the internet. Most people tend to be attracted to using Google. Google is one of the most popular search engines in America. In the article, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” by Nicholas Carr he explains how the use of Google and the internet is affecting our everyday lives. On July 1st back in the year 2008, Nicholas Carr’s, “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” was published by The Atlantic. In his article he talks about several different points as to how and why the internet has become our primary source of information. Even though the internet is supposed to make looking up information fast and profitable it …show more content…
When he talked with people he knew, he discovered that they had similar issues. He goes on to say that the internet is affecting our ability to read books and other long pieces of work. It is flattening our brain’s learning experience in the process. This has even affected Scott Karp, who was a lit major in college, along with use to being an active book reader. So many people who work with the internet daily are having the biggest effects from this. They are complaining about how even if a blog post is more than three or four paragraphs it is too much to be absorbed. They just skim it. Also a published study on online research habits, that was conducted by scholars from University College London, examined computer logs that documented the behaviors of visitors of two popular research websites. The websites provided access to journal articles, e-books, and other sources of written information. From the study they discovered that people using the sites were using “a form of skimming activity”, where they were “hopping from one source to another and rarely returning to any source they’d already visited”. People would typically read no more than one or two pages of an article