Is Healthcare A Right Or A Privilege Essay

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United States Healthcare: A Right or Privilege Healthcare in the United States is a privilege for those who can afford it. Approximately 10% of individuals are uninsured and do not receive the care they deserve. Their health continues to depreciate, affecting many aspects of life. Furthermore, individuals who can afford healthcare services may be limited to the treatment plans offered under their coverage or live too far away from a healthcare provider who can treat them. (Health Care Access and Quality, 2023, para.2). Accessibility to care must be enhanced in the United States. Uninsured and low-income individuals have dealt with adverse health problems for too long. The United States is the only highly developed country to offer health …show more content…

There has been no significant increase in healthcare access since the Affordable Care Act. This act has excelled at reducing the number of uninsured individuals. Approximately 35 million citizens have been enrolled in a health care coverage plan, and the uninsured rate has continued to decline under this program (HHS, 2022, para.3). However, millions of citizens are still without health insurance. These individuals face many uncertainties in life without health care. A simple illness or curable disorder may cause chronic and unbearable pain. Universal health care will alleviate some of these individuals' sorrows by providing primary health care solutions. Universal Coverage has succeeded in other developed countries, especially the United Kingdom, which ranks first in overall healthcare experience—ranking number 1 in Quality care, access, and efficiency. Meanwhile, our nation is far from this standard and ranks 11th in most categories. (Davis et al., 2014). Universal Health Care should be a significant step toward improving …show more content…

The price is too high for most citizens, and this expense does not lead to the best outcomes. Healthcare researchers theorized that about one-third of healthcare spending is wasted and has lead to low-quality care. Approximately 900 billion dollars are thrown away each year in this system (PPF, 2022, para. 2) . This is unacceptable as this money could be put to good use in other areas of healthcare. To control healthcare spending, I will reduce the costs in some regions of healthcare. One prominent area that needs a proper reduction in hospitals. Hospital prices are significantly higher than those provided through Medicare and Medicaid. How can civilians use federal programs if their rates do not cover an entire inpatient and outpatient hospital care treatment plan? Hospitals are pivotal in healthcare; they must not have outrageous prices. Another area that needs to be reconstructed is medication costs. This industry has control of the market, allowing them to control the price of medication. This does a disservice to the company and patients purchasing medication. Corporations that make medication will be price capped to make medication more affordable. These changes should reduce costs and spending by a substantial margin ( PPF, 2022,

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