Why Social Media is a Powerful Marketing Channel for Lead Generation Business? Social media today is just not confined to meeting new people, being friends with them or getting connected. Instead now it has become a tool for growing business and capturing market. This can be seen by an amplified use of these social networking sites for posting advertisements. Social media has given a sophisticated technical angle to the marketing, sales and lead generation business. It helps in market segmentation as well as targeted marketing and advertising. Especially when one talks about the b2b business and business strategies then social media has proved to be an important tool and a stepping stone in every stage. It helps in creating interest of people and potential buyers in …show more content…
Helps the business to find its potential customers and provides a channel for targeted marketing. 3. Through social media as a tool for marketing a record of the user can be tracked and individual interests can be known. This helps in the proper utilization of the channel. 4. The marketing through social media is just not limited to the geographical boundaries. The channel is widespread all over the globe at very effective cost. 5. Easy customer segmentation can be done. It helps in providing better services and products to the customer satisfying their needs. 6. It is wise to use the increasing fame and popularity of the social media for marketing. There is positive social media impact on the leads. 7. Strong relationships can be made with the people who may otherwise not know about the products or the services provided. 8. To lead generation company social media used as marketing can be very useful. 9. Social media acts as a platform for creating brand awareness among people and create demand for the products and services and get the best results. 10. Sales and marketing experts after an exhaustive research have found social media to be an excellent tool for capturing market and growing