
Is Somalia Pirate Considered As Terrorism?

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Case Study I: The Somalian Pirate
Who are the Somalian Pirates? Somalia Pirate is the single biggest maritime threat since the World War II. Country like Somalia, where government and economic failed to function result to high unemployment rate, are facing with high chances of citizens turn to illegal sources of income like piracy. Fishery, one of the most function businesses in Somalia, has attracts many people in. Primary, people join the local fishermen until they save enough money to purchase boats and weapons afterward. After being armed, these people are self-employed and seek a short-cut to gain fast cash through piracy. These pirates hijack the international trading ships who have to pass the Arabian Sea and they sometimes …show more content…

There are differences between political piracy and maritime terrorism. Piracy is a crime done by greed while terrorism is distinct from piracy in a very straight forward manner. For political piracy, acts of maritime terrorism are motivated to promote a political, ideological or religious cause. What distinguishes political piracy from ordinary piracy is the focus on violence as a means of creating havoc or creating fear in a population or the general public. In compare to other forms of piracy, where aims are hault by economic gain, the objective of maritime terrorism is the violence strategic attacks.
When pirates operate outside a state’s territorial waters, any act of violence or treathen can present a challenge to international sea order. Somali piracy is one of the most challenging examples. From our perspective, Somali pirates do not characterized as terrorist groups. Although both piracy and terrorism often use similar tactics, ship hijacking, crime and terrorist have slight different in the sense of agenda. Piracy aims to seek for economic benefits while terrorism seek for predominantly political and religious ideology voice. Further more, terrorist groups are conservative in using strategy, tactics and targets as their choice of attacks. They tend to master the on land and air attacks more such as car bomb, suicide vest, mass ambush by the small arms, or the most famous 9/11 airplanes …show more content…

The most common seen is on land suicide car bombs, while the most significant air strikes were at the World Trade Centre and the Pentagon in 2001. Since the geostrategic threat is not directly related to piracy, yet piracy has imposed a challenge and exposed weakness of the maritime security. Therefore, targeting the future attack prospect of terrorist goes to sea is predictable. Moreover, the naval forces have so far been exploited by non-state groups and even state proxies for political ends due to the lack of its

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