Is Technology Ruining Our New Generation?

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In this new era of technology people around the world are more focused on the information that is coming from a small internet connected device. That small device has opened the doors into the world of technology that once you're in, it will be difficult to come out. The sad thing is that people will say how horrible the digital world is ruining our everyday lives; but those are also the same people who are also stuck in this digital world. I am one of those people who will say that technology is actually bad for our new generation, but I am also trapped in this digital world as well. Technology is changing the way we live, because we are not living in the moment, we are to attached to our phones, and it is hurting our relationships. Is there a way in which people can learn to not be so attached to the digital world, like I have done by limiting myself from technology. Everyday more and more people are getting drawn into a digital world where it becomes less and less important to be a part of the real world. The world where one is able to talk to people orally and be in face to face …show more content…

When we are too attached to our phones we rather be on social media then hanging out with our friends or family. Relationships are made up of communication, listening, and understanding one another. Us being too attached we ruin our relationships with people because they are there for us when we need them. Maybe one day that friend or family member needs us to give them advice or just to listen to them, but since we are too attached to our phone we rather ignore them. Simply ignoring people and not wanting to interact will make those relationships break. With time we will notice that all the relationships that we had one day are all gone, because we choose to be connected to the digital world instead of being connected to

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