Is The Bible Reliable Essay

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The Bible is reliable because it reads as accurate news and reveals real places, people and dialogue. The Bible was written over a span of 1500 years ago by 40 different authors. It also has confirmed its authenticity repeatedly by historian’s archaeology. The renowned Jewish archaeologist, Nelson Gluek wrote, It may be stated categorically that no archaeological discovery has ever controverted a biblical reference (Mcdowell n.p.) The United Bible Societies said, “The Bible in whole or part has been translated in more than 2,530 languages, including the Old Testament and New Testaments”. (Wikipedia) According to Biblical Scholar John Warwick Montgomery “The full number of manuscripts supporting the New testament alone is 24,970 or more”. This number is far more than any other book of antiquity (Evidence to believe). Based on the facts that the Bible has been written by 40 different authors, translated in over two thousand languages, and there are more than 24 …show more content…

First, who is Jesus? Jesus is God with us. He is the son of the living God. (Bible). Jesus laid down his life for us so that we can be saved from our sins and receive the gift of eternal life. Jesus also defeated death by his resurrection. As it is stated in the Bible John 1:1 “in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God’. John 21:25 talks about there were so many remarkable incidents in the life of Jesus, that if all was recorded in the Bible, the number of parts in would be beyond measure. What Jesus accomplished in 31/2 years of his ministry is amazing. Thankfully, we had the gospel writers of the Bible to record things that took place and events. The recording of Luke 2:43-44 give some very interesting insight into the dynamics of this special family. Luke 2:40 gives a summary statement describing the development of Jesus from infancy to the age of

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