Is The Devil Real Research Paper

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Is The Devil Real
Bible believers accept without question the devil as a reality and the existence of both good and evil in this world cannot be denied, but how it originated is not nearly as important as overcoming evil and its advocate, for if we know the devil is real and learn about his character, perhaps we can resist his influences and defeat his devices. (I Corinthians 2:11)
The idea that the devil is only an evil influence does not explain why good, sometimes succeeds and at other times evil wins. Of course, we do not see the devil with our physical eyes, but that doesn’t disprove his existence. Neither is God seen, but He is a real being. Therefore, if it could be proven that the devil is nothing more than an influence, because he can’t be seen it would prove the same for God.
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(Genesis 3)
The story of Job teaches with certainty that men are tempted and the most reasonable conclusion is that Satan exists and he tempts. (Job 1-42) Whether one considers the book of Job a record of facts in the life of a man named Job or a parable, the lesson is the same, for when the Lord taught in parables they were based upon facts or realities and always dealt with things that can happen.
Perhaps there is no clearer and unmistakable example of the personality of Satan than his temptations of Jesus. Following the Lord’s baptism and just prior to the beginning of His ministry, the devil appeared with three propositions designed to tempt Him and in the process Satan quoted scripture. (Matthew 4:1-11) No amount of reasoning can dismiss these events as delusions. Satan is real and he is the perpetrator of the evil that exists in the world