Is The News Media Selling The Full Story Or The Truth?

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When we want to know what’s going on we turn on the T.V. or Google the news or even read the newspaper. We rely on these types of news media to deliver us our news, but what happens when they fail to deliver the full story or the truth? The major issue we have on our hands would be that these news reporters does not always cover the important stories or tell the whole truth. We have the right to know what really is going on and the full details. The question now is how do we stand against these trends but keep the news still watchable. When we look at all of our options for news it is hard to decide which one to believe or go for. Many people have a hard time trusting every article they read or hear. According to the “Daily Source” over 54 percent of Americans believe that the news media should get their facts straight and tell the truth. The major issue with the news reporters is that they have the right to lie or bend the truth. I recently read an article about two people who worked for FOX news and …show more content…

Another would be to seek out and follow the truth, because it is the story that we are all looking for. Also do not become involved in entangling alliances that prevent you from adhering the truth. These are just some of the things that we can do help get the truth behind everything. According to Jim Watts article “Media Deception: You Are Not Getting the Truth” he believes that a huge way people can help change the media would be to start a blog or hand out flyers. In order for us to make a difference we have to be the change and make the effort and to never be afraid to fight for what is right. The strongest weapon that we have is the truth and our voice and we can do so much with it. It is time that we hear the truth from the media and that the people face the truth on what is really going on in the