Is The Purpose Of Let Them Eat Dog By Jonathan Safran Foer

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The author Jonathan Safran Foer who in 2009 published a piece called “Eating Animals” has further enhanced this topic by publishing, “Let Them Eat Dog: A Modest Proposal for Tossing Fido in the Oven”. In this essay the author establishes a credibility that allows for his opinion to be heard and his proposal to be given a chance. The author also includes fallacies like that of either/or which is established effectively giving the reader no option but to accept the proposal, this is also thanks to the variety of evidence presented by the author in order to give his proposal a chance.
In the mentioned essay, “Let Them Eat Dog: A Modest Proposal for Tossing Fido in the Oven” by Jonathan Safran Foer, the author proposes the idea to eat dogs. Through …show more content…

To build his credibility the author uses evidence such as; “The French, who love their dogs, sometimes eat their horses. The Spanish, who love their horses, sometimes eat their cows. The Indians, who love their cows, sometimes eat their dogs” (Foer, par 3). This piece of evidence starts by showing the authors credibility because it proves that he has studied other cultures and their everyday lives as well as their own animal taboos. Another piece of evidence that presents the author with credibility is when he mentions, “Perhaps we could include dogs under the Human Methods of Slaughter Act” (Foer, Par. 12). This shows his credibility because it assures the reader that he has studied the needed acts and materials to put his proposal into thought, it also helps the reader critically think in the offer and know that if it were to come true the animals will be treated …show more content…

The authors uses a range of evidence form a range of different genres. One of the first genres is literature, for this example the author gives an excerpt from a known book called “Animal Farm” here he uses. “All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others” (Foer, par 4). The author uses this excerpt to prove his point that dogs can be eaten but because of the society and culture they are a part of, they are elevated and looked upon as more intelligent and intellectual members of society, morally prohibiting their culture from eating these dogs. The author also explores evidence form a historical genre. Some examples from this sector are, “Dakota Indians enjoyed dog liver,… Hawaiians ate dog brains and blood…. Dogs are still eaten to overcome bad luck in the Philippines; as medicine in China and Korea” (Foer, par 9). These example help to prove his argument by effectively showing that other cultures eat dogs and not for evil reasons but only to help their society overcome health issues. These various forms of evidence help the author to prove other possible ideas wrong by showing that this dog eating custom is for multiply benefits; that of the dogs themselves along with their