Technology In The Classroom Essay

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Is the use of technology in the classroom useful or harmful?

“We need technology in every classroom and in every student and teacher’s hand, because it is the pen and paper of our time, and it is the lens through which we experience much of our world.” - David Warlick.
Technology is advancing at a rapid pace in the 21st century, and ipads, laptops and smartphones are used in many aspects of our everyday lives. This modern technology is also becoming a part of learning in the classroom. The question whether the use of technology in the classroom is more harmful or useful is debatable, but the benefits far outweigh the harm.

The use of technology in the classroom plays an important role in improving students’ educational skills and knowledge. Independent learning …show more content…

A study by Alex, J. (2007) found that students retained more of the information they learnt when they used technology to organize and present their information. Using exciting videos, bright images and interactive learning tools enhances the learning experience as well as evokes more interest in the topic. According to a study done by University of California Irvine Medical School, i-Pad equipped medical students achieved 23 percent higher on national exams than previous classes, who hadn’t use them did.

Incorporating modern technology in the classroom will also be helpful in preparing students for the workplace and the real world. Learning important skills like writing emails, learning Internet etiquette and filling out online forms will help prepare students for life in the technology-dependent twenty first century.

Another advantage of technology in the classroom is that e-books are readily available and students are able to access their curriculum at all times.
This, however, also serves as distraction for students, and professors and teachers are often banning smartphones and tablets in their