Is Wundt So Important To Modern Day Psychology?

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Wilhelm Wundt was a psychologist who helped establish psychology as a science by creating the first ever lab designated to psychology. I chose this particular article because it helped me gain a base knowledge on Wundt’s career as a psychologist and just how influential he is to modern day psychology. Another reason for choosing this article was because of the author's credibility, he is currently working on getting his PhD in psychology. The purpose of this article was to give any person the basic knowledge on Wundt. The article focuses on the main points in his career and why he is so important to the scientific community. Saul McLeod, the author of this article, stated many facts he had already known from his background in psychology. The information communicated in this article was crucial to the the audience to know just how influential Wundt was. For example, McLeod stated that modern day labs are modeled by Wundt’s lab from back in 1879. The author also told us Wundt’s overall aim was to focus on sensations and to analyze them, this eventually lead to Wundt founding his own school of thought …show more content…

McLeod always simplified the words to make any person regardless of their background in psychology to read the article without a problem. The only weakness coming from the article is that it doesn't go in depth about the achievements of Wilhelm Wundt, instead the readers just get the basics of his career. The findings of this article help the reader get more of an understanding about Wundt and what his career was all about. I believe the authors conclusions were valid when he stated “Wundt concentrated on three areas of mental functioning; thoughts, images and feelings. These are the basic areas studied today in cognitive psychology”(McLeod, 2008). When the author stated this he meant that some of the things modern psychologists study today can be credited to Wundt