Isaac Newton Modern Day Calculus

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Sir Isaac Newton, one of the most famous and brilliant mathematicians and physicists to ever live, was born in 1642 in Woolsthorpe, England to a single mother. At age three, Newton’s mother remarried and left him to be raised by his grandparents. Possibly because of his mother’s abandonment, Newton suffered from mental breakdowns throughout his life. As a child, Newton attended regular grammar school. When Newton was fourteen, the Bubonic Plague became rampant in England, so he left school and went to work on his mother’s farm in the countryside in order to avoid the disease. It was there that Newton discovered much of modern day calculus. After the Plague, Newton attended Cambridge University where he continued his mathematical studies, published …show more content…

This method is split into two principles. The first principle is the definition of fluxions (now referred to as derivatives), or instantaneous rates of change, along a fluent (now referred to as a function or a curve), of a varying quantity (“Fluxion”). The rate of change is found by taking the tangent of a curve (“Calculus in Simple Terms”). This principle is referred to as differential calculus. The second principle of the “Method of Fluxions” that Newton determined is that a fluent can be divided into an infinite amount of pieces that are infinitely thin, which allows for objects referred to as integrals, which are defined as the area under the fluent (“Newton-The Method of Fluxions”). The integral is the sum of all the infinitesimal areas under the fluent. This is referred to as integral …show more content…

Fgrav represents the force of gravity, G represents the universal gravitational constant, m1 and m2 represent the masses of the two interacting objects, and d represents the distance between the two objects. Newton was the first mathematician to discover that gravity is dependent on mass and distance, and also that gravity was universal and applies to all objects, whether earthly or not (“Newton’s Law of Universal Gravitation”). The equation of universal gravitation is extremely useful when designing and flying airplanes because the engineers and pilots must know how much gravitational force they need to overcome in order to keep the plane flying. The equation is also used when studying wave patterns, as the moons gravitational pull on the oceans effects the times and parameters of low and high tides. In Algebra 2, I came across problems that involve graphing the arc of an object as it is thrown up and then falls down. These problems involve using Newton’s universal gravity equation, along with velocity and other variables, in order to graph the

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