Isaac Newton Research Paper

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Revolutionary, english physicist, mathematician, and philosopher. Sir Isaac Newton is widely regarded as one of the most influential scientists in history. This baby, who got off to such a shaky start, grew up to have one of the best minds of all time. Newton was always slow to share his discoveries with the world. He had to be sure he had everything right. He was patient to explore the other new ideas that were crowding into his mind. Newton's wide range of discoveries, from his theories of optics to his groundbreaking work on the laws of motion and gravity, formed the basis for modern physics.The true genius of his work , I think ,is how he ultimately took those theories and applied them to the universe at large, explaining the motions of the Sun and planets in a way that had never been done before. In 1687, Newton published the paper Mathematical Principles of Natural philosophy. In which universal gravitation and the three laws of motion are described. That paper became the basis for modern engineering and revolutionized scientific thinking. Newton's first law of motion related to inertia and states that an object …show more content…

His work concrete a way and enabled many of the advances of the Industrial Revolution and are still the underpinnings of the non-relativistic technologies of the modern world. Newton's second law of motion is the law of force and is most simply described as force equals mass times acceleration or F=ma. For example, your weight is actually described by this law your mass times gravity of earth is equal to your weight. Newton's third law of motion states for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. For example, when a body exists a force on another body the second body will exert a force equal in magnitude and opposite in direction to the first body. In addition to Newton’s laws of

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