Based to Valerie Henderson Summet (2010) there are several issues surrounding American Sign Language and Deafness which relate to this dissertation. These issues must be understood in order to make appropriate decisions when developing and accessing technologies for this community. For many people who are born deaf, their native language is American Sign Language unlike English, ASL does not have an analogous written language form the dominant sign language of North America, is a visual-spatial language which uses a different sign gestures to communicate. ASL’s grammar is different from English. For a full discussion of ASL, readers are referred to Klima and Bellugiand Valli and Lucas to teach them to how to communicate deaf. Language acquisition …show more content…
Tavari, Prof. A. V. Deorankar and Dr. P. N. Chatur (2014) Sign language is used to communicate to deaf and dumb people. Most of these physically impaired communities are dependent on sign language to express their feelings and emotion using a hand, face and body to rest of the world. This why many people are separated to the deaf society. Hence, Sign Language Recognition is one of the easiest to teach how to communicate deaf. A sign language is use the movement of hands, facial expression, body movement etc... The method of this proposed system is to use of hand gestures for recognition of Filipino Sign Language. Hand Gesture recognition system is easy to understand and user-friendly way of interaction with the computer which is more familiar to the human beings. The proposed system is also identify the image captured of the signer dynamically during a testing phase. To implement this proposed system we need a web camera to capture the hand gesture of signer. SLR is used to recognize the different signs and translate them into text and voice format.Neha V. Tavari, Prof. A. V. Deorankar and Dr. P. N. …show more content…
An overview of the present research directions and the possibilities of the visualization and 3D technology for the deaf community. In this paper the Sign Language Tutor – sign language interactive e-learning to help deaf and fully understand deaf community to rise up all deaf people. There will be a collection of modules and games dedicated to easing the learning of people deaf in Macedonia, but also to improve the mental and memory capabilities, memory capabilities and most of them are the target is younger deaf children. The central part of this project is 3D simulation a 3D model of a woman or girl that direct sign or should sign by chosen letter or object. Computer games to assist and help deaf people to learn while playing games the one is 2D adventure where the hero fights monsters and collects item such reward to get card in the monsters you killed is memory where the subject should connect a card with a sign of the letter. Nevena Ackovska, Magdalena Kostoska, and Marjan