Italian Baroque Vs High Renaissance

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Italy is considered by many to be the art capital of the world. The country, over the course of its history, has produced some of the most notable names in Art History, such as, Giotto, Raphael, Donatello and Botticelli. Two of the most influential Italian periods of Art History are the High Italian Renaissance and the Italian Baroque. The stand out artists that showcases the artistic characteristics of the High Renaissance and the Baroque were Michelangelo and Caravaggio. Their styles and medians were heavily influenced by the transition of the country’s religious, philosophical and economic histories. The Italian High Renaissance, also known as the Age of Discovery, spanned the years of 1495-1527. There was a greater sense of humanism that drove he desire to learn new concepts and mechanical experiments; while still honoring classical literature, philosophy and art style. The artist moved across class lines from craftsman to educated humanist who also took on noble titles. The mechanical advancements During this the High Renaissance there was also the expansion of the papacy. This expansion gave the Pope a level of influence that rivaled the king. That influence paired with the extravagant life styles of clergy led to the Reformation movement. The Reformation Movement was led by …show more content…

Kleiner describes Michelangelo as “the first artist in history whose prodigious talent and brooding personality matched today’s image of the temperamental artistic genius” (p. 599). His temperament was evident in his isolated independent lifestyle. Michelangelo was not only a painter; but also a sculptors, architect and draftsman (Kleiner, p. 609). His patrons were wealthy members of the upper class who dictated the subject matter of the artwork. Most notable of his patrons was Pope Julius II, who commissioned Michelangelo for the painting of the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

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