It's Time To Avoid Barbie Dolls

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Barbie dolls have been one of the top selling toys for a long time. Girls can chose to act out one or more of Barbie´s multiple careers, and dress her in her hundreds of styles of clothing and millions of pairs of shoes. This allows young girls to be creative and learn that women can do anything men can do. Although this may seem like the perfect doll on the outside, Barbie has its major downfalls too. She can either act as a role model and a toy that enhances creativity or she can set a high bar for body, race and beauty ideals. Many women feel Barbie is some sort of role model. She is a way for feminists to express equality in the world place letting everybody know that girls are capable to do anything they want. Barbie encourages young girls to be whatever they set their mind to. She is the image of an independent, strong woman. At the same time the best-known reason to avoid Barbie is that the doll has an unrealistic body type and rigid beauty ideals. Her proportions are not quite that of an average woman. As a matter of fact, they are actually next to impossible to achieve. …show more content…

Girls tend to design their own clothes for Barbie out of pieces of fabric, ribbon, elastic bands, and any other bits and pieces they can find. They can create many different looks for Barbie based on how they feel and come up with different scenarios to play. It really stimulates imagination in a positive way. On the other hand some Barbie products portray girls as unintelligent. When “Talking Barbie” came out, the doll managed to say “Math is tough” followed by a “let’s go shopping”. Women around the world found it humiliating, for women can be just as smart and good at math as

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