Ivan Iv Character Analysis

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Earth is the third planet from the Sun, the largest of the four terrestrial planets, and the only planet sustainable for human life. Earth’s magnificent features makes it the densest planet in the solar system, allowing for it to be the home to nearly 75 billion living organisms. Each organism is composed of cells, cells are the basic unit of life. Cells are the most powerful components in an organism. However, if mistreated cells can die, harming the entire organism as a whole. Power is like a cell, when used properly extremely effective, yet when abused highly destructive. As a result, of a bad temper, Ivan IV Vasilyevich perfectly demonstrated how abusive power is like a mistreated cell during his reign as Grand Prince Of Moscow. Ivan IV …show more content…

He seized private lands and redistributed them among his supported, and created a police force dressed all in black, astride black horses that existed more to crush dissent than to keep the peace. Thusly, Ivan was not a popular leader, and his unpopularity continued to grow over the years. Ivan’s success was a huge character test, it allowed him the ability to gain respect from the people and it showed off his strengths and weaknesses. However, all great leaders have flaws, and Ivan’s happened to be anger. Ivan’s bad temper created upon him an erratic state of mind, which lead to him carelessly abusing his power and people. Upon, the death of his beloved wife Elena, Ivan fell into a deep depression. Already, erratic due to previous situations Ivan became even angrier, feeling the need to create a Reign of Terror. During, this Reign of Terror thousands and thousands of people were killed. The “Oprichnina” the police group Ivan created helped assist in the Reign Of Terror. Ivan and his group tied people to sleds dragging them into freezing waters, killed multiple nobles, killed Ivan’s son, and beat his pregnant daughter in-law. A&E Television Network states “The Reign Of Terror was an event that latest twenty-four years”(http://www.biography.com). Eventually, the Reign of Terror came to an end when Ivan became deathly ill. On March 18, 1584 Grand Prince Of Moscow, Ivan IV Vasilyevich

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