JB Hi-Fi Corporate Social Responsibility

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Name: Cathy Nguyen Student ID: 9998292 Word Count: 571/550 JB Hi-Fi’s Corporate Social Responsibility 1.0 Types of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Four types of CSR information expected in JB Hi-Fi’s report are: the company’s community involvement, product and service contribution, physical resources and environmental contributions and energy usage. The company’s community involvement and product and service contributions are social initiatives where the public benefits from the company’s activities and the quality, safety and packaging of their products. Likewise, the company’s physical resources and environment contributions and …show more content…

4) Energy usage (page 14) states how the company encourages employees and consumers to use environmentally friendly products. The following examples are three initiatives JB Hi-Fi have taken: 1) Helping Hands is the company’s giving program where employees are encouraged to deduct amounts from their payroll to donate to local charities. To boost the impact made, JB Hi-FI donates double the amount received. The report states the company raises more than $9100000 each year through this program. This initiative is effective as it encourages employees, customers and suppliers to give back to charities and the community. 2) The initiative taken to prevent pollution and landfill is the Cartridges 4 Planet Ark Program, where consumers are encouraged to throw away their used ink-cartridges to any JB Hi-Fi store for recycling and remanufacturing purposes. 3) Another initiative the company has taken to save energy is the Smarter Choice Program, which educates employees to encourage consumers to choose energy efficient products such as those with the 5-star energy efficient stickers. 3.0 Implementation and Application of

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