
Jackie Robinson And Racial Inequality In Baseball

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Have you ever thought of the countless activists that have stood up to gender or racial inequality? As Jeremy Lin said, Three activists, Jeremy Lin, Jackie Robinson and Malala have either stood up of gender inequality or racial inequality. One man who was affected by racial inequality and who is trying to stop it is Jeremy Lin. Jeremy Lin, who is currently playing as a point guard for the Brooklyn Nets, is an NBA player. He was first affected by racial inequality when he was in college playing basketball. He was often called an “Asian Import.” (Linsanity the Movie) While he was playing, he was told to “Get his A#@ back to China!” by the crowd and the players that he faced. When he first was drafted to play basketball, he wanted stop racism towards …show more content…

Jackie Robinson who played in the Major League Baseball in 1947, was the first black player to play pro baseball. The MLB stands for Major League Baseball. He made the MLB a Color barrier free League, and opened the door for other races besides whites to play pro baseball he broke the color barrier in baseball. Jackie Roosevelt Robinson was born on January 31, 1919, in Cairo, GA. Georgia.(Biography.com) At the time was a very racist state. There were countless restrictions for colored skin people, but Jackie Robinson helped break those barriers, which helped end racial segregation. To do this, he helped with caring for other black people who were hurt and less fortunate. He also stood up for the black community and continued to play baseball, even though he was threatened by other teams, fans or even players. Mr. Robinson was often disrespected, which made him say, “I'm not concerned with your liking or disliking me... All I ask is that you respect me as a human being.” (brainyquote.com). In closing, Jackie Robinson helped make significant changes in baseball and took a huge step forward to help promote racial segregation around the

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