Jackie Robinson Biography Essay

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Baseball is one of the most played sports in the United States as well as all across the world. The history goes back all the way to 13th century. It goes back so far it is not certain of where the sport was begun. The sport has been played by the greatest legends that have ever stepped on the baseball field and maybe even on earth. La Soule is a older game that was played seven centuries ago in England. Because it goes that far back, the original time that baseball started is almost impossible to trace back. The mention of baseball didn’t come up in the US until the late 1700’s. At that time they played what we all know of as “backyard baseball”. It was banned a great distance from the town meeting hall. In 1903, Henry Chadwick, a British sportswriter, made an article stating that baseball came from a British game known as rounders, which Henry played as a child in England. A man named Albert Spalding begged to differ, stating that …show more content…

That is not necessarily true. Bud Fowler, the first African American to really play professional baseball, played on a team in Massachusetts with the international association. Robinson was the first to play in the in the Major Leagues, which was in 1947 with the Brooklyn Dodgers. Jackie was a very successful even tho stuggles through his life affected him in many ways. When he wasn’t even a year old, his dad abdandoned his family and left his family in a terrible financial state, which is why they moved to Pasadena to try to get back in control of there life and get back on a good path. Jackie went to UCLA where he was also very successful by becoming the first person to ever play 4 varsity sports. But when he was 23, he was drafted in the army to a segregated military base. In 1944, he was honorably discharged because he was charged because he didn’t want to move to the back of a segregated