Jacob Riis Affect The Way Of Living In The Early 1900's?

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The Progressive Era
In the late 1800’s and early 1900’s there were many problems in the present american life. On document would be about Jacob Riis, a man who believed the people deserved better even if they lived in the slums. Child labor the fear of parents would allow their child to work and the possibility of them getting hurt. Child labor in the 1800’s to the 1900’s were unsafe for everyone including children. “ The Jungle” was a book of exposing meat packaging system. Expanding Democracy would cause a amendment to be passed, due to issues the people were having with the Senate. The Bosses of the Senate were men who tried to control everyone's business. And finally Susan B. Anthony, a strong minded women who believed all women had …show more content…

“Riis argued for better housing, sanitation, and the construction of city parks and playgrounds. ” This quote represents what Jacob Riis believed, the city needed to be changed. The city of NYC was dreadful(causing or involving great suffering, fear, or unhappiness; extremely bad or serious). People were not being treated well. Many lived outside, and many were dead in the streets. Jacob Riis created the book “How the Other Half Lives” (1890), to show not only the public what has been going on but also the government. President Theodore Roosevelt responded personally to Riis: “I have read your book, and I have come to help.” Both men believed in "Life, liberty, pursuit of happiness? Wind! says the slum, and the slum is right if we let it be. We cannot get rid of the tenements that shelter two million souls in New York today," This is a quote that Jacob Riis used in the “MAKING OF AMERICA” It also became an important predecessor to the muckraking journalism that took shape in the United States after 1900. The city of New York went from being a horrific place to changing into a home where people can be proud to come from. This would of nevered happened if Jacob Riis didn’t speak up. Riis changed/helped many lives. He got attention from men way above him( Theodore Roosevelt), doing so created a solution for the …show more content…

This benefits their business because children between the ages 10-15 gave them more of an opportunity to use their business for illegal ways. The word Child Labor means- the use of children in industry or business, especially when illegal or considered inhumane. From the years 1890 to 1920 the percent of working children dramatically changed. In 1890 to 1920 the percent of children went from 18.1 to 11.3. Just in a 30 year difference the percent of children working from the ages of 10 to 15 years of age went to 6.8% between the years of 1890 to 1920. Business owners had children working unsafe jobs, and that was a problem. In the 1900’s child labor laws went to effect, Laws came from all corners of the world to make sure children are at the appropriate age to work. By 1899, 28 states had passed laws due to child labor. Then, in 1938, Congress passed the Fair Labor Standards Act. This changed the age of work for a minor dramastically. 16 for work during school hours, 14 for certain jobs after school, and 18 for dangerous work. Or any job without having to worry about the age. Today all the states and the U.S. government have laws regulating child labor. These laws have cured the worst evils of children working in factories. The laws that were passed down were very helpful for many children, it saved many