Jacques Lacan's Mirror Stage: Under The Skin

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This analyse will be about Under the Skin and this will be analysed with Lacan’s Mirror Stage. Before I start the analyse of Under the Skin, I will explain what “Mirror Stage” means. Mirror Stage is a "psychoanalysis" theory first introduced by the French psychoanalyst Jacques Lacan at the 14th International Congress of Psychoanalysis in 1936. The theory says the psychological development processes during the first 6-18 months of life. The child, prior to this period, is the total of needs and requests that who is not yet able to reach the level of perception that himself or herself is a separate being from the surrounding objects and individuals. In this process the baby is aware of its existence with the help of discrete senses and feelings; …show more content…

She created herself, you know like I said she’s just an alien. With observation she learned the language first, after she bought herself new clothes also we can say that she acts like Femme Fatale. She seduces men and take them her place. She uses her charm so we can say that she’s Femme Fatale.Meaning of Femme Fatale is; seductive woman who has a tendency to use men. In this movie she uses her beauty to get these men to her house and collect their skin. She acts like a woman and she doesn’t know actually what she’s doing. The motorcycle man is the Other and she’s doing what he said. I will explain what the Other and the other means to make everything clear. The Other is beyond imaginary and also it represents the authoratitive. The other is shaped in the Mirror Stage.We can say that it’s the reflection of the ego. After the subject encounters the imaginary system with the small other and begins to build one, the symbolic plane must also encounter the great Other in order for the sheen to become a "subject" in a grammatical sense. The Great Other, from there looking at ourselves, is what we see as we want to be ourselves. So we can say that she haven’t pass through Mirror Stage. She’s just doing her job, she doesn’t even know