All the four religions practice their faith in multiple ways. For Hindus, they pray and worship their god. For Muslims, they follow the Five Pillars of Islam to worship their god. People who follow Buddhism practice their beliefs by meditating and worshiping their god. Lastly, in Jainism, people who follow the religion must fast, be truthful, and can not steal. All four religions practice and worship their god in some way. All four religions have a reward for following their faith. In Jainism and Buddhism, there is a reward called Nirvana meaning perfect peace and happiness. It isn’t a place but instead a feeling in the mind. In Islam, the reward is called Paradise which is a physical and spiritual pleasure. Finally, in Hinduism, the reward is Moksha meaning ultimate peace. All of these 4 rewards resemble a peaceful state of mind and freedom from all problems in life. Three of the four believed in karma (how you act will happen to you again). In Hinduism, based on your decisions (karma) you were put into a caste. The higher the caste, the better of a person you were in your past life. In Jainism, karma was related to the never-ending cycle of rebirth. As a goal, people who followed the religion, their goal was to break away from karma and reach Nirvana. In Buddhism, karma was related to rebirth like Jainism. The goal was to …show more content…
In Hinduism, reincarnation is linked with Brahman. After dying, your soul doesn’t automatically join with Brahman, you have to go through many cycles of reincarnation. In Buddhism, the ultimate goal is to reach Nirvana (free from all earthly concerns) and it takes time to do that. Reincarnation occurs until you reach Nirvana. In Jainism, karma was linked with you until you reached Nirvana when all the suffering was gone. Your karma would also leave you at that time. To sum up, reincarnation is common between three of the four the