James Buchanan Dbq

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From 1761-1868, James Buchanan was the president of the United States, he was the worst president in United States history because of how he dealt with the conflict between the north and south sides of the states, while tension rose in the years leading up to the civil war. During James Buchanan's presidency, the issue of slavery started conflict in the United States. The two sides were in disagreement, the southern states were beginning to threaten to secede if the government took away their right to have slaves. James Buchanan was biased towards the southern states to begin with, and was just lazy when it came to making decisions over slavery. James Buchanan was the worst president because he was biased to begin with, he was biased towards …show more content…

Buchanan was from the north, however when having to choose, he often sided with anti abolitionists. James Buchanan's cabinet being biased shows that any decision he may have made, may have been heavily influenced and unfair. This makes him the worst president because votes like the Fred Scott case were very predictable since he knew that the southern representatives would have his back. In this time period, where the northern states disagreed so heavily over slavery with the southern states, James would have lost support in certain northern states that he had won their electoral vote, because the cabinet most likely would have voted for southern opinions, rather than a fair vote. For this, James Buchanan is the worst president because he is biased. James Buchanan was the worst president because he was lazy when it came to making decisions. Buchanan knew that the Supreme Court would decide to be against the Red Scott case, James Buchanan believed that this would settle the arguments over slavery. Buchanan attempted to stop Americans from arguing about it, instead of making a decision, he wanted Americans to just stop arguing about

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