James Rachels And Ethical Egoism

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James Rachels argued that Ethical Egoism is not accepted as a moral theory. Ethical Egoism believes that individuals should live their life, concentrating on whatever brings the most benefit to that individual. Rachels takes for example a racist to disputed Ethical Egoism, which is discriminating treatments are justified when there is a substantial difference between the people. But there is none of them, so racist is an arbitrary as Ethical Egoism is. We cannot find substantial difference between us, so we should aware that other people’s need should be satisfied as mine because of we are the equal. Awareness of equality is important because it is reasons of our morality should include other’s interest, and Ethical Egoism is unacceptable theory. That’s why Rachels argued that we need to help other people to care their own interest instead of buying luxuries. …show more content…

However, every person lives in different environments, cultures and have a variety of talents. For example, there are student A and B. A is a hardworking and diligent student, but B is not. They are all equal, but that doesn’t deserve to get a good grade for both students without any effort. Student A deserve to get a good grade not because he is a better person than B. He study hard to get a good grade. This is not the same with racist. There are no general differences between races, but there are differences within people. If B has the same grade as A, this is a treating people differently. If we want to achieve something, we need to work hard to achieve it. And it leads exist a substantial difference between the