James Whorton Countercultural Healing Summary

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In the ongoing battle of alternative medicine and allopathic medicine both sides are equally just in the amount of pros and cons within each type of treatment. In James Whorton’s “Countercultural Healing: A Brief History of Alternative Medicine in America” the article points out the major conflicts that have always been around and also from the past between CAM and conventional physicians. According to James Whorton “the constant battle between CAM and conventional practice is just the continuing war that has been going on since the mid 1800s”. Whorton’s topic sentence was explaining how vital it is to have some background familiarity to fully understand the current situation. This is also the direction in which I will base my paper. The main …show more content…

I will choose and discuss if indeed James Whorton’s points are relevant or not and if integrating both practices would be the best of both worlds. First, to fully comprehend exactly what I’m validating you must first understand the two groups being discussed. The complementary and Alternative medicine community (CAM) is any practice/procedure that does promote healing but doesn’t have the scientific, or lab, stamp of approval by the FDA or in other words a method in which evidence is based on experience. Complementary and alternative medicine encompasses health care practices and beliefs that fall outside the conventional systems of medicine. CAM is wide ranging and includes practices such as yoga, prayer, and acupuncture, as well as herbs, foods, and supplements. Although the use of CAM is now well recognized, the reasons for the use of CAM were not always understandable. The increasing interest in the CAM community over the past decade can …show more content…

Medical Doctors practice allopathic medicine. The term "allopathy" was first introduced in 1842 by C.F.S. Hahnemann to designate the usual practice of medicine (allopathy) as opposed to homeopathy (CAM), the system of therapy that he founded based on the concept that disease can be treated with drugs thought capable of producing the same symptoms in healthy people as the disease itself." Allopathic medicine is still number one in preference of healing for most in today’s society. Some People today are drawn to CAM to treat or at least help and offer hope of assistance that often are not curable by allopathic medicines such as cancer, diabetes, aids, etc. Allopathic is the type of medicine most familiar to westerners today. Allopathic is a biologically based approach to healing. If a patient has high blood pressure, an allopathic physician might give him/her a drug that lowers blood pressure. In 1848, the allopathic rationalists created the American Medical Association (AMA) to gain a strong organizational edge. Though many American clinics once relied on homeopathy and naturopathy, allopathic medicine quickly rose to dominance. Allopathy’s popularity is due to successful scientific progress including the production of certain vaccines and

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