
Jan-Pro Office Communication Essay

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Communication is the Heart of Your Operations

One of the primary issues that many of our offices struggle with is communication. Communication is one of the essential building blocks of our organization, but can be a difficult concept to master within a Jan-Pro regional office. The reality is that almost all of our successes and failures come down to one thing: communication. When every part of your Jan-Pro office is communicating properly, employee productivity improves, customer satisfaction improves, employee morale improves and the quality of work from our Unit Franchise Owners improves. In other words, if you make a concerted effort within your office to improve your communication processes, you are reinforcing your business infrastructure, improving retention and building …show more content…

To reinforce healthy communications in your office there are several things that you can do:
• Put Protocols in Writing. Ensure that your operations consultants understand the steps that are involved in closing the loop on issues. Never assume that they automatically understand what your expectations are, put them in writing. Once this is done, when they are disseminated to your employees, review the processes line item by line item, ensuring that everything is clear and understood.
• Practice customer service skills. Practice customer service skills during your staff and operations meetings, so that when your operations and sales people are put into tough situations they know how to cope with them.
• Include your team in business decisions, communicating to them that you value their opinion. This does not mean that you are obliged to follow what they suggest, but it tells them that you care what they think. According to Livestrong.com, “Effective managers communicate widely and allow their messages to be discussed in person or at staff

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