Jane Eyre Foils Essay

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The early nineteenth century was filled with conflicting social classes, mindsets, and ways of life. In the novel Jane Eyre, written by Charlotte Bronte, foils are used heavily to show this contrasting classes and lifestyles. A foil is when one character is used to contrast with another to exemplify particular qualities in one of the characters. Examples of these foils shown in the novel are between Mr. Rochester and St John Rivers, Eliza and Georgiana, and Miss Temple and Mrs. Reed. These three sets of foils will go from individuals being in two different mindsets but raised in the same household, to individuals that both fought for Jane Eyre’s love in separate means of going about it, to even a motherly figure and a figure that should be …show more content…

Eliza, after her mother’s death, actually packs up and becomes a nun, showing the true dedication to her ideals. These personalities were so distinct that this causes them to split, most likely permanently, when their mother eventually parishes. These distinct differences amplify the difference of someone who is narcissistic, and one that is very stringent and selfless. Love is a crucial part of this novel, causing conflict from lack of love and love coming from an individual that should not be giving out the love that they were. Mr. Rochester, Jane’s employer for almost a year falls in love with her. With this love comes a passion that Jane learns to enjoy. The pair eventually become courted and in the process of their wedding ceremony, Jane learns that Mr. Rochester had already been married and that his spouse was still alive. Jane, knowing she did not want to become his mistress, ran away. In this process, she comes across St. John when begging for a place to stay since she was at deaths door due to wandering hopelessly for three days. St. John, after knowing Jane for a time and thus becoming employed to him, explains that it’s her religious duty to marry. Since he is a preacher, he explained she should be his “missionary wife” in India, and that she should just marry him. This would mean having a marriage without passion, and lead to Jane having to cover up

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