Japanese Internment During World War II

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Building up to the mid 1940s, Japan’s resentment towards western civilizations grew in response to their forced trade relationships. After militarily taking over parts of China, Japan decided to strike the United States before they could respond to Japan’s belligerence. With the attack of Pearl Harbor, Japan pushed the United States to officially join the Second World War. Fear from the attack towards the Japanese and existing racism lead to the internment of the Japanese citizens of North America, which led to hostile relations between those of the Japanese and the Americans.
Pearl Harbor created an overwhelming fear amongst the citizens of America of the Japanese. After the attack, Franklin Roosevelt released the Executive Order 9066 which prohibited the Japanese from entering the Pacific Coast, unless they were in an internment camp. The Wartime Civil Control Administration, and War Relocation Authority became two of the biggest internment camps. Likewise in Canada, fear started …show more content…

In Canada Japanese families were forced into livestock buildings where they would wait months to be relocated. In both nations, the majority of those interned were either naturalized citizens or born in the nation. This unnecessary measurement erased the lives of thousands of citizens. At the end of the war, the people of British Columbia forced all Japanese to either return to Japan, which was still recovering after the devastating bombs, or move to another part of Canada. In America, with the Korematsu vs the United States case, the constitutionality of Roosevelt’s 9086 Order was argued and deemed the order constitutional during the War. The case also stated that the Order was not racist although it specifically targeted the Japanese. By the end of the war in both nations, japanese emigration increased greatly due to the hostile