Jazz Concert Review

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I chose to attend the ISU Jazz Combos concert on Thursday, February 18th in the Martha-Ellen Tye Recital Hall. I chose to attend this particular concert because from fifth to tenth grade I played the alto saxophone, and was a part of a jazz band in middle school. Jazz band was my favorite thing about playing the saxophone, and I loved the occasional improvisation solo I would get to perform. Although I like jazz music, I never have attended a jazz concert other than my high school jazz band concerts. Attending a concert at Iowa State was new to me, but I was excited to get back into the “jazz” of things, and was overly pleased with the two different jazz bands that performed. The first jazz band consisted of four individuals and four instruments: …show more content…

When I first saw the nord as an instrument on the program, I was confused about what this was and was surprised to see it was just a type of keyboard. One of my favorite things about this band was that it included both a tenor and an alto saxophone. Although I never played the tenor, it was neat to hear these instruments played together and to identify which sound was coming from which saxophone. Again, with this performance I enjoyed the different solos from each of the five individuals. Halfway through this performance, I started to notice the repetition of both jazz bands, and how all of the songs sounded very similar to me. I’m sure if I had more experience with music and more particularly jazz music, I would be able to identify differences much easier. This band played “It Don’t Mean A Thing,” “Cherokee,” “In A Mellow Tone,” and “Recordame.” Like the first band, this band also introduced their next songs and also included when they modified the original versions. My favorite performance of the night was the last song “Recordame.” The band noted that they modified this song, and right away I had a good idea of one of the biggest modifications when the drummer got up and grabbed an electric drum pad and set it next to his drum set. The electric drum produced an original sound that I had not heard yet that night. I am glad they chose