Jealousy In Othello And Barry Bonds

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Barry Bonds was is a former MLB player who was accused of using steroids. An article titled “Jealousy Led Bonds to Steroids, Authors Say” reported that a book, titled "Game of Shadows: Barry Bonds, Balco and the Steroids Scandal That Rocked Professional Sports," about Bonds investigated how jealousy affected his decision to begin using performance-enhancing drugs. In Shakespeare’s “Othello”, the main character, whom the book is named after, goes into a jealous fit of rage and kills his wife and later himself. Although they lived completely different lives in completely different eras, Barry Bonds and Othello have much more in common than they may seem. Jealousy and the actions that resulted from this emotion affected them each in similar ways. Jealousy forces people to do things that may hurt them in the long run. Barry Bonds and Othello both felt jealousy towards people in their lives. Barry Bonds felt jealous towards Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa …show more content…

They both were affected by jealousy in a way that hurt them more in the grand scheme of things. First, they both felt jealousy towards someone in their life. In Othello’s case, that person was Cassio, whom he thought he was cheating with his wife. In Barry Bond’s case, he was jealous towards Mark McGwire and Sammy Sosa, because they were getting attention for all of the records they were breaking. Next, both Othello and Barry Bonds did things that put them at risk. Othello killed his wife, which put him at risk of being put in jail for the rest of his life or even be killed. Barry Bonds did steroids, which put him at risk for being banned from the MLB if he was caught. Finally, they both suffered the consequences for their actions. Othello ended up being caught and he decided to kill himself. Barry Bonds also got caught and he is now in very deep legal trouble and his great career is heavily

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