Analysis Of Where The Gods Fly Jean Kwok

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The essay is written by Jean Kwok who is a Chinese American writer, and her short story was publish in 2012. “Ah, Amitabha, Buddha of great compassion, I whisper, help her to understand that all I have done, I have done because it was the only choice I had.” As every other mother there will come a time in your life where you have to make some choices that you may not like, but you know it is necessarily for you and your family. You will be in a situation where you have no other choice but to do what you think in a longer term will be the best; even dough the consequent may be Cuvier. That is what the story “Where the Gods fly” is about. Love to another person and fighting for the things that you want, even dough there is a chance that you one day will wake up, and see that you have to start from scratch. The themes in …show more content…

They do not have the same cloth as other parents from school. But even dough they live a live where there may not be a lot of money they have other values in life, they are believers and liv there life after Buddha. That also makes their way of thinking are really different from others, their spiritual way of thinking and they are afraid that their way of living makes bad influence on her. Do not follow the wind, make you own path. In their culture they live their life after their believes and that of way the essay is called “ where the gods fly” and even dough the mother wanted the best for her family she forgot something, you have to live every day if it was the last. She forgot herself and her husband, and the choice they have been making for many years have not been out a consequent. ( paged 6. Line159-163 “ I will go to peal now. She is not yet seventeen – time enough to follow another path, to look upon another face of the god. It is my fault that it has comes to this; I have been a foolish doting mother.