Jean Paul Sartre Research Paper

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Jean-Paul Sartre was a French philosopher who is known for making thinking in philosophy glamorous. Sartre’s philosophical ideas revolved around the idea of existentialism which is a philosophical theory that states the existence of an individual is determined by their own acts of free will and that all individuals have the freedom to make their own decisions. A large part of Sartre’s philosophy is the ‘Absurdity of the world’; pointing out the strangeness of objects in our daily life and our readiness to accept them as normal things. He attempted to teach people to strip everyday objects of the meaning we attach to them and see them as they truly are. Another very important teaching of Sartre and existentialism is the theory that humans are free and that they are not bound to any moral obligations and only they have the key to their own will and fate.

Sartre was born on June 21, 1905, in Paris, France. He was born with a ‘wandering eye’ and wore distinctive thick framed glasses. Similarly to multiple prominent philosophers, Sartre often referred to himself as extremely ugly. When he was young, Sartre became interested in philosophy once he had read Henri Bergson’s essay “Time and …show more content…

Sartre’s ideas provide everyone with the liberating idea that everyone has the ability to take their life into their own hands, if they are willing. This theory of overwhelming freedom is most can be seen in two different ways as I will elaborate on in the weaknesses of Sartre’s philosophy. The positive side of having such freedom is that it gives people hope that they have the ability to do what they want or what they dream to do. For many people, understanding such a theory of freedom is extremely liberating, as they no longer feel attached to patriarchal society and its rules. Even if they may continue to follow said rules, they now understand that they have the freedom not