Jeanette's Ambition In The Glass Castle By Jeannette Walls

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In the memoir “The Glass Castle“ written by Jeannette Walls, it talks about how Jeanette and her family overcome the tough times they had in their life. One of the main ideas of the memoir Jeannette talks about is how she achieved her ambition and what were the consequences of the risk she took. “Coming together is a beginning; keeping together is progress; working together is success” by Henry Ford. This quote relates to Jeanette and her siblings because she and her sibling always worked together and helped one another when in need. Jeanette is the mostly the reason why she and her family had such a wonderful and rewarding time in New York.

Since Jeanette was young and naive, she always dwelled about becoming a successful News Reporter. She always anticipated when will she leave her house in search, for a brighter and more rewarding future. When she was in her final year of High School she decided that she will leave her house after she graduates and will move to New York in search for a better and more rewarding career. This decision of her will ultimately change the standard of life for her and her family. …show more content…

Lori was one the main reason why Jeanette moved to New York from Welch in the search for a better career and a more rewarding lifestyle. The effect of Jeanette's decision helped Lori achieve her ambition is life, which was to become a successful artist in New York."Opportunities don't happen. You create them." Chris Grosser. As said in this quote by Chris Grosser “Opportunities don’t happen, You create them” relates to Lori because she makes the decision to move to New York and find a job and a career in which she can improve her