Jeff Jacoby's Bring Back Flogging

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Jeff Jacoby provides a strong argument in “Bring Back Flogging”, suggesting that we should adopt a few of the punishments of the Puritans. This argument is built on logical appeal, emotional appeal, and his own personal credibility as a writer. Providing statistics and information, Jacoby creates the logos, or logical appeal, and ethos, or personal credibility. In Addition, he uses ethos, or emotional appeal to force the reader to think about what they believe is morally worse. In “Bring Back Flogging”, Jacoby says Puritan forefathers punished crimes with flogging, including whipping and branding; however, in current times we tend to put a person in jail, no matter the crime. Furthermore, he explains that flogging would cause criminals to view …show more content…

He mentions that those who oppose using flogging likely disagree with its use because they feel flogging is degrading or brutal (Jacoby 198). To this, he counter argues by mentioning how jail is just as brutal, if not more brutal than flogging. (Jacoby 198) Consequently, Jacoby explains how being in jail can be brutal, saying that in 1994 it was reported by the Globe that the number of raped inmates each year was more than two hundred thousand (Jacoby 198). This information makes the reader weigh out how they feel about flogging verses jailing using the information just given and the information given in the beginning of the argument. This is a great use of pathos used by Jacoby as it forces the reader to think about what they feel is more morally wrong, and he is hoping that they decide that jailing is worse than the public shaming of flogging. Jacoby makes a convincing argument in “Bring Back Flogging” using ethos, logos, and pathos to persuade the reader into agreeing that flogging a convict would be better than jailing them. Using cited, reliable information helps build his logical argument and his credibility as a writer simultaneously. Jacoby’s use of emotional appeal in this argument convinces the reader to agree with his view on the matter. He puts the three forms of appeal to effective use; therefore, his argument is