
Jefferson's Argument Analysis

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The meaning of equality can be completely different to certain people. A particular environment and perspective can impel someone to have a definition of equality that can differ greatly from the standard dictionary definition. In the case of Jefferson and the men who revised the Declaration of Independence, when they said, ¨All men are created equal¨ their views on equality of all men excluded: slaves, women, and Native Americans. When Jefferson wrote that infamous quote, it is safe to assume that by all men, he meant all white men. Freedom and equality is relative to the specific individual in question; our country has made great strides for complete freedom and equality, but here still is room for improvement. The Iroquois constitution …show more content…

When talking about the Christian king of Great Britain, Jefferson says, “He has refused to pass other laws for the accommodation of large districts of people, unless those people would relinquish the right of representation in the legislature, a right inestimable to them, and formidable to tyrants only” (Jefferson 101). Fed up with the Kings lackluster help in America, Jefferson states how large districts of people aren’t being given the correct rights to help themselves. Without the king giving them freedom, the people of America are stuck in their ways and aren't able to improve their way of life. Similarly, the king is controlling the Americans without their consent, stating, “He has kept among us in times of peace standing armies and ships of war without the consent of our legislatures” (102). The American freedom is being taken advantage of with the king keeping a dominant position over them. During peaceful times, the Americans still have to deal with ships of war, which diminishes their freedom to live in peace. In essence, with Great Britain putting overbearing constraints on the Americans, they couldn't deal with it any more, hence the Declaration of …show more content…

Women have had to go through many hardships and for most of time they have been treated without respect and as an inferior to man. In March of 1776, wife of John adams, Abigail Adams, wrote a letter to John urging him to contemplate the role of women in their society, saying,“If particular care and attention is not paid to the Ladies we are determined to foment a Rebellion, and will not hold ourselves bound by any Laws in which we have no voice, or Representation” (Adams 111). In the quote she is trying to make sure that John doesn’t forget the importance of paying attention to women. She proceeds to warn him that if women are not given a voice they could be upset and form a rebellion. Elizabeth Cady Stanton, a pioneer in women’s rights, wrote in her constitution about the inequalities women have, stating, “He has taken from her all right in property, even to the wages she earns” (Stanton 113). In the format of the declaration, she talks about how women aren’t free due to the fact that she cannot have property or wages. By stating “he has” over and over again it emphasises how much men have controlled women throughout their life. Although we have mostly overcome the inequality issues between men and women(in the U.S.) it is important to remember the past and how hard women had to fight to get the rights they now

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