Jefferson's Democracy In The 19th Century

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If everyone was asked “Why do people take risks?” the responses would vary exceedingly. Some people might say to have a pleasant time, while on the other hand, someone could say to be rewarded or someone could say to achieve their objective. Despite that, the questions Mrs. Johnson asked to consider always apply to when a person is taking a risk. It could even be the instances consulted within the document. They all consider the happenings and evaluate the questions into them. They think what a person would lose, gain, learn, etc. To further extent, they could ask “What is the anticipated outcome that they wanted from the risk?”.
Going back in time, one needs takes to account of Jefferson’s Democracy and the 19th century and how it connects all the events into one fundamental reasoning of risk.

To fulfill this question of why people take risks and essentially with the events of the 19th century, …show more content…

After careful some careful assessment and evaluation, there are two major divisions on why the risk was taken. Either the action was executed because someone/something desired to earn a right/reward or to discard of/bring back an object or an individual. For the most part, all of the occasions lead back to one of the two arguments. It is possible to even take account of some risks that people take today into why they do it into these categories.

To establish if the risk was for earning something or to discard of or to bring back something, it is necessary to look at what the ultimate goal of the risk was. For instance, the book The Vindication of Women’s Rights, overviewing what the book was trying to obtain, it would seem most appropriate to place the book on the earning side. This is because the end-target for the book was