Jeffery Dahmer was born on May 21, 1960 in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Dahmer was just living a normal and happy life until he was around six years old. He had to go in and have a minor surgery on a double hernia and that seemed to make his attitude change. His father got a job in Ohio and they had to move up down from Wisconsin. Around the time he was a teenager Dahmer had no friends and just kept to himself. His parents got divorced and they put some stress on Dahmer and just made him angry. These events may have been the catalyst for turning these earlier thoughts into action (Jeffrey Dahmer Biography). Dahmer graduated high school in June of 1978, and shortly after graduating the killing spree began. He picked up hitchhiker by the name of Steven Hicks, he took him home with him. Hicks got drunk and when he was leaving Dahmer killed him by hitting him …show more content…
Dahmer pleaded that for the reason of all his murders was because of insanity, but the court said that he was sane and was declared guilty on 15 counts of murder. The 15 counts of murder landed him 15 life sentences in jail, which equals out to 957 years in prison. While he was in prison he became a born-again Christian and gave his life to lord. His time in prison was short lived, he got attacked a few times. The first time he got attacked they tried to slit his throat which only left him with superficial wounds (Jeffrey Dahmer). The second time he got attacked he died on the way to the hospital from severe head trauma (Jeffrey Dahmer). Christopher Scarver was the inmate who killed Dahmer. He said he grew to despise Dahmer because of how he would fashion severed limbs out of prison food and taunt other inmates (Why I killed Jeffrey Dahmer). He would also use ketchup as blood and drizzle it over his food and in his mouth, Scarver said that it was very unnerving (Why I killed Jeffrey Dahmer). That is why Dahmer prison term was cut