Jem Finch Coming Of Age Quotes

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The character Jem Finch come of age when he comes to realize the racism of Maycomb. The trial is when Jem first realizes the toxic racism present in Maycomb. As the jury delivers its verdict Jem’s previous world is shattered. “...his shoulders jerked as if each guilty was a separate stab between them”(Lee Pg.282). This quote is implying that every time the jury udders the world ‘guilty’ Jem is physically hurt. This is when he first realizes how much sway reason has in maycomb, as he watches someone he knows is innocent convicted by his skin color. This is such a stun to Jem that he can barely hold himself together. With this experience Jem instantly comes to the realization that something is wrong with the world. “It ain’t right Atticus,